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How to Cite a Powerpoint in APA Format for References and Text


Students may find useful sources prepared in slideshow format, like in PowerPoint or Prezi. Lectures, meeting notes and other primary sources can be found in these presentations. Just like with any other source, you must cite PowerPoint presentations correctly in your APA reference list.

Citation generator

PowerPoint Slideshow APA Citation

While citing lectures, meeting notes or other slideshow presentations, follow the standard APA author/date citation format. State the author, date, and title of the presentation. Then, within brackets, place the format, such as [PowerPoint slides] or [Prezi slideshow presentation].

If the presentation is accessible online, include the link. Often the lecturer will post slideshows on the school’s website.

Citation Format

Author, A. A. (year of publication). Title of presentation [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from URL or DOI


Tenten, B. A. (2018). Outlining your APA research paper: An overview [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from http://www.xxx.edu/ppt/xxxx

In-Text Citation Example

Student Citing PowerPoint Presentations in APA

When you refer to a piece of information in the slideshow presentation, include the slide number.

Example of Direct Quotation

(Jones, 2014, slide 4)

Example of Paraphrase

(Jones, 2014)

Guide Your Reader

Remember, one of the purposes of citing sources is to guide your reader to the same source you used. As such, it’s important to provide as much information as you can within your citation, following APA citation style guidelines.

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