Learn and Generate Bibliographies, Citations, and Works Cited

APA Bible Citation Examples


Need to refer to religious scripture in your school paper? Take a look at these APA Bible citation examples for how you should format your references. Although students use APA style for writing papers in social science subjects like psychology, economics and sociology, these subjects may also include religious themes. As well, theology classes may require APA style for assignments. As always, follow your teacher’s guidelines to ensure you’re following the right format.

Citation generator

How to Format In-Text Bible Citations

Under APA guidelines, you don’t need to create a reference list citation for your Bible citations. Instead, you simply cite them within the main text of your paper. Be sure to include the Bible version in your first parenthetical reference only. After that, simply list the chapter and verse unless you’re quoting from a different version.

In-Text Basic Format

(Book Chapter: Verse Translation)


(1 Col. 16:17 King James Version)


The first time you cite the Bible, include the version you’re referencing:

“And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear” (Matt 14:26 King James Version).

Thereafter, simply cite the chapter and verse.

“A man or a woman who is a medium, or who has familiar spirits, shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them” (Lev 20:27).

Weaving Bible Citations Within Body Text

Young woman typing APA Bible citation examples

Integrating your biblical citations within your text helps to keep your reader focused on your words rather than the citation. Try to use this technique for all your APA in-text citations as much as possible.

Basic Format

Book Chapter: Verse (Translation)


In Eph 5: 22 (New International Version), wives are told to “submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.”

  • If your teacher requires a reference list entry for the Bible, follow the APA citation for a book with no author.
  • Use standard biblical abbreviations for your citations.
  • Don’t use page numbers; use the book, chapter and verse.


Understanding APA Bible Citations

Students may wonder why they aren’t including their Bible citations in their APA references page. The Bible and other religious texts fall under the “classical works” designation for the APA editorial style. Since standardized religious texts guide the reader to the exact chapter and verse, there’s no need to include additional reference sources. Your reader will find the source without further guidance.

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